
Last one
countdown begun
year’s final day
made its way
some here some gone
with friends or all alone
taking stock counting down
some smile some frown
looking forward glancing back
what you’ve got or what you lack
holding on or letting go
what you do or don’t know
precipices of future loom
live in joy or doom
choice is yours to make
steps you choose to take
come now this final day
then new dawn new way


new day

New year tho nothing truly is
same it seems but for a date
and a year to grow older
not much new in this

Opportunity is new
chance to change, grow
choices yet to make
new roads to travel

New time once again given
tho not a guarantee
to make each moment new
for another may not come

Day 1 to be as happy
as you make your mind up to be
new yes same yes
it’s all in what you see


Excitement new
time has come
ready to begin
beginnings again

Fresh new faces
from different places
coming together
sharing the free verse

Beginnings fresh
writing new
words shared
between me and you